ESG Consulting Services

18. September 2024 | Reading Time: 3 Min

At TPA Romania, we provide tailored ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) consultancy services designed to help organisations embed sustainable and responsible practices into their core operations. Our expertise lies in developing customised strategies that address the unique ESG challenges and opportunities faced by each business, ensuring long-term success and VALUE CREATION.

Our key services 

  • Sustainability Impacts, Risks, Opportunities Identification and Double Materiality Assessment

We conduct a detailed analysis of your business to identify key sustainability impacts, risks and opportunities that align with your operations. This helps you to:

  • understand the environmental and social consequences of your activities
  • capitalise on sustainability opportunities that enhance your business goals

We also perform a Double Materiality Assessment, which evaluates both impact materiality (the external impacts of your business) and financial materiality (how ESG factors affect your performance). This prioritises the most critical ESG topics for your company, ensuring they are integrated into your strategic planning.

  • Sustainability Gap Assessment against ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards)

We evaluate your current sustainability practices against the ESRS to identify compliance gaps.

  • Carbon Footprint Assessment

We assess your company’s carbon footprint, focusing on Scope 1, Scope 2  and  Scope 3 emissions in order to establish a baseline for your sustainability journey.

  • ESG Objectives, Strategy, KPIs and Climate Change Transition Plan

Our team helps you set clear and measurable ESG objectives that align with your overarching business strategy. We develop a comprehensive ESG strategy that integrates these goals into your operations, enabling long-term value creation.

We assist you in establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress on ESG goals and enable continuous improvement.

We assist you in creating of a robust transition plan for climate change.

  • Taxonomy Assessment

We assist you in conducting a taxonomy assessment to ensure compliance with the regulations and improve access to green financing by demonstrating alignment with sustainable economic activities.

  • Circular Economy Advisory

We develop strategies and practices aimed at transitioning businesses from a traditional linear economy model – where resources are used and disposed of – to a circular economy model, where resources are reused and recycled.

  • We track the flow of materials and resources through your business operations to identify points of waste and inefficiency
  • We assess types and volumes of waste generated and evaluate how much can be reclaimed or repurposed
  • We evaluate the environmental impact of products throughout their lifecycle, from production to end of life
  • Supply Chain Due Diligence

Our Supply Chain Due Diligence service helps you ensure that your suppliers meet ethical, environmental and social standards. This includes:

  • evaluating supplier practices for compliance with human rights, labour standards and environmental regulations
  • ensuring transparency and traceability in your supply chain by identifying and mitigating risks related to unethical sourcing, forced labour or environmental harm
  • developing strategies to enhance sustainability throughout your supply chain, including integrating local sourcing, reducing carbon emissions and minimising waste

How do we add value? 

  • We identify and assess ESG risks, opportunities and impacts specific to your industry and business model
  • We create sustainable growth strategies that build strong relationships with stakeholders, ensuring resilience and adaptability
  • We guide you through the entire ESG implementation process. Our support ensures that ESG principles are effectively integrated into your business, driving continuous improvement, compliance and VALUE CREATION.

Why choose the ESG TPAptitudes team?

The TPAptitudes team, made up of specialists with experience in ESG services, is multidisciplinary, combining expertise from various fields to provide a comprehensive and complete approach. Where necessary, we collaborate with both local and international experts, ensuring a global perspective on ESG requirements and regulations. This approach allows us to deliver customised ESG solutions aligned with the best international practices. We are committed to offering high-quality services that not only ensure compliance but also contribute to optimising your company’s efficiency and performance in the ESG domain, thereby strengthening its reputation and long-term competitiveness.

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