Consumer protection and insolvency of individuals

9. August 2022 | Reading Time: 1 Min

The National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) has issued two orders introducing new obligations for legal entities.

From 18 August, all companies will have to display a poster in a visible place informing consumers about the Alternative Dispute Resolution (SAL) platform and the European Commission’s SOL Platform with the same role for online commerce.

In the case of trading companies with physical premises, the poster should be placed next to the cash register, during opening hours, in the area where they sell or provide services, including tourist services, package holidays and flight ticketing.

From 17 September, banking institutions, non-banking institutions (IFNs) and pawnbrokers will be obliged to inform customers about insolvency proceedings against individuals.

The purpose of placing these notices in a visible place in the place of sale or provision of services, including tourist services, the sale of tourist packages and flight tickets, is to facilitate consumer access to the alternative dispute resolution body within the ANPC and the SAL procedures for the amicable settlement of complaints, as well as, where appropriate, the insolvency procedure for individuals.

ANPC commissioners will be able to check, after a period of 45 days, how the provisions of these 2 orders have been observed.

Source: Order no. 449/2022 on various measures to inform consumers about alternative dispute resolution and Order no. 450/2022 on various measures to inform consumers about the insolvency of natural persons, as published in the Official Gazette, Part I, no. 725, of 19 July 2022.

Legal Newsletter July 2022