Combating Shrinkflation

4. June 2024 | Reading Time: 2 Min

On 15 May 2025, the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) initiated a public debate of a Draft Order of the President of the ANPC aimed at providing consumers with better information about the quantity and price of products.

The phenomenon known as ‘shrinkflation’, a combination of the words ‘shrink’ and ‘inflation’, is a practice whereby manufacturers reduce the quantity of a product without changing the price, to the disadvantage of consumers.

The draft regulation now subject to public debate establishes the obligation on economic operators to inform consumers fully, correctly and accurately about any changes in the quantities of products with identical presentations, packaging and shapes, even if the price remains the same, as well as the obligation to inform consumers of any changes to the unit price.

The informing of consumers to this end must occur by the placing of a poster in the same field of view as the product in question, in a visible, legible and equally sized format and through the use by traders of the following phrases: ‘for the entire period of sale of products with a modified quantity’ or ‘the sale is valid within the limits of available stock’.

The ANPC Order applies to all food and non-food products, the weight or volume indicated on the product packaging must correspond to the actual quantity inside and economic operators must also declare the period for which they intend to offer the lower quantity products for sale.

Source: ANPC press release on the submission to public debate of an Order on the fight against shrinkflation

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